
Year 0-2

Te Rōpū “Wana”: (juniors) Seedlings. vulnerable, new growth at the mercy of the elements and slowly taking a grasp of the earth but given life, shelter, protection and nourishment by the trees around them as well as Ranginui and Papatuānuku.

Here we are in our favourite Magnolia tree with our big buddies!

You will find our classroom up the front pathway and close to the playground. We are also next to the edible gardens, so you can guarantee we will eat our vegetables!

Every Tuesday we meet together to encourage and build Tuākana- Teina relationships. We call it our big brother and big sister time and we really look forward to it. We read, create and learn together with our big buddies. Sometimes we even play with our big buddies in the playground.

In Week 10 of every term, it is our turn to lead a very special assembly called E Tu Kahikatea ...with the help of our big buddies. We hope you can make it!

Our Photos

Working together with Middles at Double Bay

Buddy Reading

Pelorus Cluster Junior Swimming Sports

Bay of Mystery Tour